Julien Couture, Vice-President of the APLS, died suddenly in France, last March
A great loss
A great loss indeed for all of us for the SPLA, for us, your comrades and friends of the board of directors of the association, and to all lovers and lovers of Simon Lake. A great loss.
Julien, where you are now currently hovering high in the sky, while continuing to take a closer look and moved on the lake you loved so much in friendship, I'll tell you this first I am honored that we had agreed to give me the job, sad and very beautiful, you make a final tribute on behalf of the Association of Owners of Lac Simon.
Moved, I am so much better because I want to hold you in my arms to welcome you to yet another meeting of the association's work and then sit with you around a table and enjoy in a friendly atmosphere the dishes prepared by members of the board, while sipping a bit of Vinho Verde that you loved so much. What a wonderful way to finish a work meeting! Moreover, even in this area, you were the pillar of our group. What do you want, you also had that talent? And, as in all things, you were generous.
But talent, you had many more! And I still will not list here all those who have had the chance to mix with you know just as well as me. I will look instead to highlight your major contribution to the work of our association. From the outset, in 2000, you were present and very active. This was also part of your temperament and you spared neither your efforts or your time. You have been a dynamic force for our association: one was more motivated and involved than you. We thank you all. Responsible for the communications industry, you succeeded to establish, among other things, the publication of our newspaper Liaison, The White Duck, and the production of numerous documents for information. More than anything, however, is your enthusiasm - I feel like adding too, with a wry smile, your "big mouth", but you did so brilliantly and candor that could t 'to be angry - your art, your passion, your openness and your great pleasure of life, we all profited.
Finally, I want to confide in a whisper, not to offend your "humility" and your sense of humor: "Julian, it's been over twenty years I have frequented the lake, and I never met someone who loved more than you Simon Lake. And you said this love with such passion and warmth that we will never forget. We will never forget."
All your classmates and friends.
Pierre Germain
For the Lac Simon Property-Owners’ Association
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